engineering parlanceの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2
  1. The technology _ known in engineering parlance as 802.11 _ has been around a few years.
  2. Showstopper is often used in engineering parlance,
  3. The technology _ known in engineering parlance as 802 . 11 _ has been around a few years.
  4. In traffic engineering parlance, a dead end defines the local street as having primarily an'access'function ( access to properties ) rather than having a'transport'or'through'function.
  5. Advocates of the new technology are working to address the privacy and security concerns through a proposed wireless networking standard, called ZigBee, or 802.15.4 in engineering parlance.


  1. "engineering organization"の例文
  2. "engineering organizations"の例文
  3. "engineering oriented"の例文
  4. "engineering overhead"の例文
  5. "engineering paper"の例文
  6. "engineering part"の例文
  7. "engineering path"の例文
  8. "engineering performance standards"の例文
  9. "engineering phase"の例文
  10. "engineering philosophy"の例文
  11. "engineering overhead"の例文
  12. "engineering paper"の例文
  13. "engineering part"の例文
  14. "engineering path"の例文

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